Blog is, and blog was, and blog shall ever be

The man who channels stands alone. He gives his friends for sacrifice. Two roads before him, one to death beyond dying, one to life eternal. Which will he choose? Which will he choose? What hand shelters? What hand slays?

Welcome to the very first update on the new Darkfriend Social blog. This space will primarily serve as a place for us to post official updates about the community, the server, or funding. The existence of this blog is itself the biggest most recent news so, congrats: you’re caught up!

This blog is hosted with, the flagship instance of WriteFreely. WriteFreely is an open source platform for building a writing space on the web. You can also subscribe by email or RSS if you prefer.

That really is all the news I have for you today, so hit the button on your nar'baha and get out of here.